Harnessing the Power of Creativity

Engage Empower Transform

Who We Are

NuForms is a Creative Engagement Consultancy

NuForms provides a bespoke creative service for your organisation and its members. NuForms creates an environment and opportunity to engage, inspire, nurture and challenge participants through a range of creative and practical workshops.

Why NuForms?

There is power in creativity

As an experienced educator in Art & Design and pastoral leader I have seen first-hand the power of creativity. Creativity provides people with purpose and a positive way to connect to the people and world around them. Creativity boosts wellbeing and is often a pathway to growth and transformation. It is a powerful and compelling life tool.


The Bigger Picture

An experience with NuForms will not only benefit your company by investing in the wellbeing of your colleagues, but when you employ Nuforms we commit to providing similar experiences for charities and community groups. You could also commit to this long term by sponsoring these events and fulfill part of your corporate social responsibility targets.